“The Guide to Game”
Articles Written by: Paul the King
     So you’ve decided to learn “game” … it’s exciting at first. Who knows what that hoe is going to say when you open her with an opinion opener. Aww damn… she just wants to be friends… guess I need to nag the next one harder… yeah! Hey look another girl! Oh damn better put in that false time constraint… gotta make her think you aren’t staying around long. But the problem is… you’re already making it TFO (too fucking obvious). Any time a girl sees you putting in effort… she sees you as the chump. Hundreds of guys have done this before… she knows you are desperate. You’ve walked up to her… you stand to get rejected (unless you offer something valuable)… you are taking the risk… in her eyes (she is already the prize). At first the effects of this wont be obvious… she will listen to you talk for a little while and maybe even entertain the notion while she sizes you up… but over time the deck is stacked against you. The more you talk… the more you do things for her… the more effort you put… the more you put up with her shit… the nicer you are… the more likely you’re going to get tooled… why? Because at the end of the day she doesn’t want that shit. She wants the guy that has been giving her the cold shoulder all night. The “asshole” guy that has been ignoring her… unimpressed by her beauty..The guy that she can’t have… She wants to be man-handled, taken advantage of, and dominated… now I’m not saying don’t ever approach… but just think about it… if you were a valuable guy getting everything you wanted… would you even have to approach? You wouldn’t… girls would be throwing themselves at you… you would be saying no to them and trying to protect yourself… Would you even put any effort in? You wouldn’t have to. When you put in too much effort (investing your time, energy, money, emotions into a girl) you are bound to get taken advantage of (and come off as needy/worthless). Don’t ever forget… she’s just a girl… that’s it… one girl out of millions. You should not get worked up or even “care” about her. It may be hard to stomach this at first. Do you remember that piece of watermelon you ate 2 years ago? Neither do I.
TOP 10 BETA SIGNS (You want to be an Alpha, Not a beta. Beta = Lame)
1. You have never initiated a break-up with a girl.
2. You have never been arrested, never been in a fight, never got into any kind of trouble… ever.
3. You buy girls things like flowers, jewelry, expensive bags, etc.
4. You dress very boring and conservative because you are afraid of standing out.
5. You hold the door for her, always act respectfully, and put her on a pedestal.
6. You back down from any kind of confrontation… afraid of the consequences.
7. You ask her if you can take her pants/shirt off.
8. You are quick to apologize at the first sign of trouble (argument).
9.  You often find girls telling you that they “just want to be friends”.
10. You call her back/text right away and answer her question as clearly as possible… you offer no challenge out of fear of loss..
     Don’t ever let yourself get tied down or be outcome dependent on a single girl. I don’t give a shit if you’re married or what the deal is. Do NOT fucking trust girls ever. Plan everything out as if you know the girl is fucking 9 other people because chances are 88% that she is. Always put yourself first, always be an asshole, and never ever ever do anything nice for her. Lesson to you guys out there: girls don’t do anything by accident. Do you think if I was a totally unattractive nerdy guy that she would go all the way across the room to get me a new knife/fork ? Yeah didn’t fucking think so lol..
Random ugly truths:
1. Girl will pick better looking guy over worse looking guy every time… (Think your personality/game can compete with a 6’2 bodybuilder dressed like a hawk? think again)
2. Money and power pretty much rules the world (think stock markets, conspiracies, politics, wars, everything is about money/power)
3. Its a dog eat dog world, kill or be killed (nobody is gonna wait for ya)
Excitement, beauty, new experiences, challenges.
     When you realize just how fake, created, and glorified this shit is… you will realize that the world is just a void with a bunch of atoms… those highs and lows? The love you had for your first girlfriend? that’s it. It wasn’t even real- it could easily be produced in a laboratory and injected into your brain (think drugs) things aren’t going very well with a couple of girls you’re gaming… your phone is on the desk and you’re sitting in bed watching the laptop. All of a sudden the phone rings (you don’t know who it is yet) do you:
1. Get excited hoping it’s the girl and run to check your phone? I mean it’s not like she’s going to fucking see you do it and know… who is going to know… where’s the harm in this? (I’m guilty of this shit sometimes too…)
2. Just let it ring… getting it later since it’s not that important to you. 
     This question is absolutely fucking crucial. If you answered #1, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, at least you are fucking honest. However, you’re putting too much importance on whether things work out with this girl or not. If you were Hugh Hefner or a celebrity getting laid every day, doing awesome things every day… and your phone rang. Would you run across the room to see if it was your ex gf? Hell no… It is no coincidence that the best PUA’s are the ones that either:
a. Don’t give a shit
b. Pretend not to give a shit. (B is not easy… I’ve tried lol)
     The best way to deal with dumb bitches (I know I know but if you’re a PUA you will understand this) is to NOT GIVE A SHIT. I repeat: DO NOT GIVE A SHIT what a STUPID BITCH DOES. IT DOES NOT MATTER. You might hurt your early game by being so cold and ruthless, but trust me it is so fucking worth it to internalize this attitude… you will save yourself hours of thinking, hours of pain, hours of anger. A great way to make this work out is to develop your life in such a way that women are not your cause of happiness. I know this is going to sound weird but look… why place your happiness on forces that you cannot control. Let’s face it, you cannot control women. You can go out and get 100 phone numbers, 20 dates, etc etc… But that’s the luck of the draw…. the cards you are dealt. NGAS (Not Giving A Shit) is the hardest part about game. Seriously guys, if you can master NGAS you’ve mastered game… that’s all there is to it. As soon as you start being result oriented and caring about what happened with girls…even just a little bit(because it will amplify the more push/pull the girl does on you through good and bad times you will share) you are setting yourself up to feel pain. That’s ALLOWING failure to happen. You have to let go, and just NOT GIVE A SHIT. Only allow your wellbeing and your happiness to rely on forces that you can control…
     Setting your expectations is a powerful thing… if you set them incorrectly, you and you alone are responsible for the pain of a thousand swords that will surely envelop you. This is the reason that some billionaires are not happy. These people are fucking stupid. They cannot see how good they have it and continue to feed the beast of “desire” for “more and more and more”… this pattern will never end and these people will never be satisfied… this is not how you want to live. On the other hand, there are poor people in other countries that get excited over the stupidest/smallest things and are always happy. Be more like them. Everything is about leveraging power in some way shape or form
Supply: (can she get you if she wants you? how hard is it to get your time? Are you easy? Should she go out with you on friday because she might not see you for a week or should she flake to go with another dude that she might not see for a while since she could always get you whenever)
Demand: (think preselection..do other girls want you? Should she want you? What is so special about you? Are you living a lifestyle of abundance? How powerful are you? Do you need her? (needy means u have no demand))
Novelty factor: (think peacocking, what sets you apart from other guys.. captain of the football team? why are you better? this is why foreign guys turn girls on with their accents..and this is responsible for a lot of 1 night stands )
Emotional factor: (“I really love this guy” or “I really miss him” or even just “I’d be really hurt without him”… avoiding pain is pleasure- takes longer to cultivate but powerful)
Comfort factor: (“how do you make her feel? Is she comfortable being around you? is she having a good time? You should always be social…”)
Mystery/Challenge factor: (This could go under novelty but girls want a challenge and they love figuring things out… it makes them feel emotionally good- those happy chemicals called Phenylethylamine (PEA) and oxytocin ) – can you believe that simple neurotransmitters in the brain are responsible for things like love, emotion, connection? Yeah… We’re all junkies and addicted to these drugs! Ever wonder why relationships end after 2-3 years? Its because nature programmed the chemicals to fade off after a child has been born. Next thing you know, the girl starts getting that “high” from another dude and it’s his turn on the bicycle so to speak.
Randomness/Luck factor: (You can’t control this but sometimes girls just feel something for a certain guy… maybe she loves one of your stories that reminded her of childhood memories or something… Other times you can be on top of your game but there’s just no fucking way.. I know some of you have experienced this)
     If you think about it… fame is such a powerful factor because it embodies all of these. (Famous people are in demand, hard to get a hold of. they have a novelty factor, and often times girls will develop emotions and comfort… ironically they even have the luck factor because if they weren’t lucky they wouldn’t be rockstars. hahaha)
    Whenever you realize that you have high value- (it varies from girl to girl… its a perception not a six pack.. although that helps) just run DFUG (don’t fuck up game). It’s so easy… you just kind of stand there, vibe, tease the girl, make her do all the work… be cocky… pretend you are in charge of everything and be fun. Soon enough she will be like: soo uhh do you wanna come over for [excuse]. There will be no LMR there will be no getting blown out… nothing bad will occur. If only every pickup was a warm approach (you have high value) For some guys that means hitting the gym, for others it means eliminating neediness, some dudes need to spend more on clothing… etc Find out where you are lacking and make a plan to fix it! Discipline is the key.
     One of the beautiful things about social interactions is that you can always tell your level of value with a girl, for example:
Your value is high with her
Guy: “Nice to meet you Jen. Have a good night. –Paul”
Girl: “You too, I’m so glad we met, cutie! I better see you soon! – xoxo”
Your value is low with her
Guy: “Nice to meet you Amanda. Have a good night. –Paul”
Girl: “You too”
These subtle examples are everywhere… girls pick up on these things all the time.. (and you were wondering how the fuck does she know I’m beta?? Lol)
Value is a concept that applies to everything. (Value does not equal money.. there is a big distinction) basic examples:
     You have lots of social connections and friends? You will enjoy access to more things; you will have more support, more success. You don’t have as many social connections and friends? Clearly you have less access, less support, less success… but do you realize it? (That’s the insidious part). Great body and nice clothes? Your life is going to be easier, happier, and more fulfilling. People will respect you more, they will forgive almost anything, and you will be healthy, happy, and confident. Few pounds over, sloppy wardrobe? People are still gonna talk to you but they just won’t really pay that much attention. You won’t command as much respect, and you aren’t getting away with shit. But do you realize it’s because of something so simple?? (Probably not..)
There are no excuses… go out there and improve yourself!! Get what you deserve and pursue happiness. Many players forget that seduction has 2 directions. Sometimes we get so caught up in the moment and in ourselves that we don’t realize what we have until we’ve lost it.  Just like you can escalate and get her number, you can also de-escalate and get blown out. I’ve noticed that when things aren’t working and the girl pulls back a bit… You have to pull back more and wait it out… if you want a sure thing.
     Neediness comes from a lack of comfort… This is actually a lack of inner game. If you can be happy and comfortable with yourself as a person then you won’t leak out neediness because you won’t actually be needy.
Seduction Process
It is possible for you to go backwards and fuck up your chances… DO NOT DELETE PHONE NUMBERS–even if you are done with a girl… there’s no reason to delete it!
If you would fuck the girl (you wouldn’t ask her number if you didn’t think she was cute at some point), don’t get rid of your prospects. keep a list on a separate piece of paper of every name in your phone with a small detail so you don’t forget who somebody is, for example:
Jessica-(748)328-3222-Met this chick out at [bar] on [date] she had [x-color hair] [nice ass] [color] eyes. rating: 7/10
Simple, informative, and powerful! I’ve gotten a lay from a girl I thought I had no chance with because her number was 4 months old using MTM(mass text method) one year just by sending out : “Happy new year!” The girl responded something like “Hey you too!! What are you up to?” and I invited her over to a small house party. Plausible deniability (translation: I get it.. listen girl I’m not interested in harassing you over the phone.. I just wanna put the P in the V if you catch my drift real talk! Let’s go do this now… I’m gonna give you everything you need… plausible deniability, judgment free zone, discretion, high value, and a rush]
     Communication with girls is not about words. They aren’t going to tell you 100% truth so you really have to ask yourself “what is she trying to get across” or “what does she mean by this… is she hinting at anything?” in your head. This is not obvious to a lot of guys out there, for example: if a girl isolates herself with you – she’s telling you she wants to fuck.., whether or not you are smart enough to figure it out is another matter entirely. Girls basically tell you all the information you need. They won’t say it all blunt but they will hint at it. They vibe with you, they tell you if they are interested or not, and they tell you what you need to do to fuck them. Literally, girls will pinpoint everything for you and give you a road map. You just have to know how to fucking translate. I’ve noticed that a lot of guys talk way too much while gaming girls.  Being silent is actually a good thing and it is high value… make the girl work for you– don’t fire off words like a machine gun all the time. You don’t win a girl over… she wins you over… that’s how game is really played. (Of course she doesn’t know that you let her win you over).
    I’ve noticed that sometimes even I am guilty of this. If you cold approach, a lot of times you need to think on your feet because girls will give lame answers and just let the conversations die out completely. Unfortunately, a lot of guys get used to doing 90% of the talking and it just comes off like they are chasing the girl. Social pressure is actually your friend. All you have to do is apply a little pressure and see how the girl reacts. It is painfully obvious if you say “well it was meeting you” and the girl doesn’t say “hey… wait… do you want my number or something?” There are so many tests you can do (see double binds) to basically escalate for free. If you think “hey you” is obvious to a girl (he likes me. he just said hey you) just imagine how obvious it is when you’re smothering her with words for half an hour. I think this is actually counter-intuitive because you think you are winning her over but by talking more you are succumbing to the social pressure of avoiding awkwardness. You can just let it roll and show that you are stronger.
Girl Talk
Girl talk into real talk, It’s all in the subtle cues if you just shut up and let her talk:
1- There is a natural social process that occurs, which women don’t want you to know about. They want you to think that you’re the one who picked them up, so they don’t have to “be responsible” for it. However, this fallacy has spawned guys in this community to develop pickup styles that violate social practices, in a way that isn’t effective. (I violate social practices myself, but in a way that nobody spots). That’s why when you talk about hitting on girls, the girls don’t like it. But if you ask them, “How *would* you like a guy to hit on you?” they have no realistic reply. It’s because they secretly know that they pickup guys, but don’t admit it publically or even to themselves.
2- Being able to attract a girl is often not enough. Girls find themselves wanting to sleep with various guys that they see all day long. What it takes to actually get laid, is to flip her S/C switch, so that she’s decided “Today is the day. This guy is the guy”. This is why there are many guys in the scene who can run a tight set, but still don’t get laid. They have a certain part of their game down, but need to work more on flipping that fucking S/C Switch.
3- Being aware of buying temperature spikes and knowing WHEN to pull away is key. If you just pull away at arbitrary times, you will not get a result.
4- Guys think that looks is the most important part of a pickup, in fact, its brains. You have to be smart as fucking hell to do this stuff. You have to think fast on your feet, and you have to calibrate. Most guys don’t have a repertoire of material that will spike buying temperature, and fall into a trap of talking about situational stuff, which girls just interpret as you trying to get rapport with them, and makes you unchallenging.
5- There is a difference between a girl being attracted to you, and a girl wanting to fuck you. If you are TOO GIVING in set, then you run the risk of being the first guy, not the second. You have to be giving, but strategically.
6- To implant the idea of seducing you into the girls’ mind, you have to have a repertoire of material to do so. That is BOTH material to entertain sets so you can pull a girl from her group or open a lone girl in a way that doesn’t set off an autopilot response, but also you have to have material that gets her thinking that she wants you and gets her chasing you. This material is a combination of regular material that you use to spike buying temperature, and then pulling back, as well as recognizing anything that you can misinterpret as her trying to seduce you, and then pulling back from that as well, which raises the challenge and makes her do it more, and then you can play with it in the ways that were mentioned.
Me: Good morning 
Her: Hi I’m at the beach
Me: I’m at home. I just cooked a yummy meal. -I’m judging her interest level… I didn’t ask anything. She can easily ignore this if not interested
Her: I’m tanning next to a hott boy -trying to make me jealous… there’s no reason to tell me that
Me: I’m jealous… id love to be nextt to you baby..haha -this is so unpredictable… its like I’m playing right into her plans
Her: Haha -amazed that her jealousy plotline worked on me.. shes hookin me hard… (Yeah right)
Me: I have a lot to do today.. We should hang out next week
Her: Yea. i kinda met a boy -if a girl tells you this.. its just to get a reaction out of you. notice the word kinda so she can go back on it just in case? yeah!
Me: Yeah right hahaha. Ur mine as long as I want u don’t forget -(she wants me to fight for her… that’s why she put kinda.. this attention is eating her up
Her: Haha I’m burnt! i look like a lobster (fishing for compliments… I’m going to give it to her this one time)
Me: You’re beautiful n u know it
Her: Yea i know. My parents left I’m still in Hampton with [girl] and [guy] -playing hard to get… acting like 
She hears this from me all the time… lol!!
Me: You should swing by… I’ll take you to dinner -statement of interest (soi) and an offer
Her: I don’t have my car. I’m in [guys car]
Me: Lol I’m not driving there sorry -This is critical… notice my take away… without pretending she wants me.. I am chasing… critical
Her: I wasn’t asking u to and judging by the hickey on my neck I don’t think u would want to -Every good looking girl has options… so many… that she is probly fucking 10 guys at once… she’s still tryin to make me jealous… no reason to change the script here.
Me: Do you want me to? I will if u spend the night -a little bit try hard (on purpose)
Her: I cant have to pick up [2yr old son] -legit excuse (she does have a son)
Me: Ohh. When are u free
Her: Maybe next week -still playing hard to get
Me: Okay but me paying for food offer doesn’t carry over.. Love -notice how the tone is more like negotiation… back and forth… rather than me “begging” Also notice the love part as a way of slipping in the word while using it as calibration for the “I’m not paying for shit… bitch” lol!!
Her: I’m broke
Me: I’ve got some beers.. Kinda want to make out with you right now, [hername]… 🙂
Her: what’s gotten in to you -wtf is going on here… you’re always so mean to me… what is this?? How can I keep it going? Is it my hair? do you like that I’m at the beach? Are you attracted to the fact that I have other guys? Tell me!! Now!!!??
Me: They must be puttin somethin in the water… Im like ready to go to the untrained eye, it might look like she’s not interested in me.. After all she is saying maybe next week… I can’t I have to do so and so… I don’t have my car… these look like excuses. To the master’s eye… these are actual truths… in reality the girl is making the excuse to explain why she can’t… there is a subtle difference. 
For example: I can’t (because I have to pick up my 2 yr old son). or I can’t because I don’t have my car. Or I can’t because I am broke and can’t pay for our food. Also, notice her haha’s… that’s a sign of submission. If I show weakness and say haha and she replies with a haha 
She is buying into my frame… also notice how she is trying to make me jealous.. I am sitting next to a hot boy.. I kinda met a boy… I have a hickey… You see.. I am rewarding her for trying to make me jealous… because that’s her caring about me… she wants me to care more about her… get it? If I was a 50 year old fat loser guy would she be trying to make me jealous? Nope It wasn’t necessary to tell me all of this info but I am getting her to reveal her hand. Also, I am not going to reply to her texts for a while after this and I’m going to ignore her calls… remember… you can’t push a girl when she hasn’t been pulled… that’s just called being a douche. If you ignore a girl over and over… just push push push… you will push her away because there’s no tension… she will get bored and that’s it. Obvious if you give too much attention… pull pull pull.. you will creep her out with your neediness and that won’t work either. Notice that?
– I didn’t lose any value by doing this… (because I don’t do it often… ever in this case)
-She will be thinking about me and this all fucking day/week
-It will drive her insane… when I don’t respond it will amplify everything 10x
-Her pussy will be so wet… my dick will drown in it…
Y’all get the point… be sure to mix it up with girls… predictability kills desire a lot of people don’t understand this… but good game is minimalistic, you don’t bombard her with pickup lines or nags, it is important to be scarce… to deny her… to make her want something… Basically– we don’t value what we have … its human nature.  When you make yourself “too available” by being needy
Rigging Your Bets
     Women are incredibly manipulative.. However, they need you to fuck up first. If you show general neediness, affection, or display any kind of weakness you will get taken advantage of in ways that most guys could never comprehend. At best your feelings will get hurt… At worst you might be making court ordered payments for a kid that isn’t yours. The point here is… You want the girl to do the work… you want her to chase you… invest in you… want to sleep with you. The best game-guys are the ones who do this day in and day out effortlessly with finesse. Yeah. She should be getting with you… trying to get with you…working for you… thinking about you. Just be that funny guy that pursues sex but doesn’t make it blatantly obvious by being needy and try hard. You can keep making moves but you have to do it in a subtle way. You have to abuse plausible deniability. If you go too far, you’ve got to let it go- you can’t let her know your agenda because a smart girl will abuse the fact that you want to sleep with her. 
Asking a girl to do something for you is a great indicator of her interest. If she isn’t willing to play cards, toss the hand away and move onto something better. You drop your value when you send her constant texts and make constant attempts to contact her. You’re just making yourself easier… cheaper… less interesting. At the same time… you can’t expect to hide in your basement and have 900 girls break the door down just because you’re “not available” Masters of the game know how to blend a deliciously irresistible mix of scarcity and intrigue that keeps sluts wanting more and more. Try being creative and making things meaningful… less is more. Always make her wait. Force her to wait. Just fucking do it. She will love you for it. Just say like “wait 5 mins” when you’re talking to her.. even if it seems completely assholish and unneccesary. Women love being put in their place – from a position of power. 
How to Deal with Flakes
     The important thing is not to show any reaction or get mad. Make her think it’s her loss and make her wonder with a simple “alright”. Don’t offer to reschedule… put the burden on her…make her feel like she just fucked up by missing out on a great night. The truth is… no matter what her excuse is… if you were better looking and more alpha/attractive… if she had less options she would go out of her way to see/bang you. So really a flake is never legit… it means there was not enough value/interest and she just didn’t wanna go for it. However, you can turn it around. Just don’t be that guy that’s like, “wtf you stupid ho.. I can’t believe you did this to me”. That will drop your value huge and she won’t even question her decision. Instead you just say alright and hint at a possibility that another girl is going to get your time and a perfectly packaged night… that will drive her insane. The reality is… girls do whatever they want from having sex in club bathrooms to flaking on important dates to cheating on their husband… it can all be rationalized by the hamster. The only thing the hamster cares about is what it wants…
#1 Rule of Game
     Never ever compliment a girl (raise her value). This rule is #1 because it is so important. Nothing good can ever come from this… ever… I don’t care if you are the nicest guy ever and you just want to tell her so bad how beautiful she is… do not do it. Why? It will subconsciously lower your value and raise her value… it will make the hamster wonder if she’s too good for you… it will fuck everything up. Telling a girl you love her is a form of this as well. I don’t care how hot/cute/beautiful/gorgeous she looks. If she asks you what you think… you make her wonder… you don’t ever compliment. Hold that shit back like a bank holds money in the vault. You don’t give out validation for free, unless you are trying to make up for a huge value disparity.
     The only time I ever compliment a girl is when she does something amazing (almost never) or after I’ve done something really mean and she is in tears or something like that. A compliment literally is that powerful. The only time you should use it is if you’re worried a girl might think she is out of your league and therefore won’t invest into the interaction (say you’re an 8 and you want a quick lay with a 6). Also if you want to start killing interactions/relationships, be sure to use lots of compliments. It is the fastest way to fuck up the value advantage. You can walk up to a girl and say “the ice cubes in your drink look funny” (even if there are no ice cubes) as long as the asshole high value frame is there you will be banging her later. On the other hand – if you have a beta chump frame… it doesn’t matter what you tell her… it won’t work. If you don’t make girls earn every little thing… if you don’t make it a struggle… it won’t be valued – you will just be another pushover chump with a wallet. This is why I advocate treating most girls like complete trash… this serves 3 purposes: 
1. You are working your frame (if the frame is good… it doesn’t matter what you do.. you can still get what you want… so in this case being a complete dick is good practice)
2. It makes them work harder and appreciate you more because they have to earn everything. I encounter much less LMR, flaking, bitchiness, etc when I straight up treat women badly.
3. Its actually pretty amusing at times. (It’s hard not to smile when a girl you’ve just banged says “you’re such an asshole” and cuddles up next to you lovingly)
     The frame you are trying to set is that you are better than them (random girls). In fact, I routinely tell girls that they are trash (with the way I come off)… almost like a challenge… but also an indirect statement of value. Why set this frame? Because you are better. If you ever think that a girl is too good for you or anything similar to this… your brain will subconsciously fuck up your frame and you will end up being a huge pushover… putting her on a pedestal… being the nice guy… and messing up everything. If you honestly don’t believe that you deserve the best in life… if you aren’t narcissist, if you don’t look at yourself in every mirror you pass and smile… you know that’s fucked up. I would not be able to call myself a man if a woman had a stronger frame than I did. In the end… frame control is about power, status, and value. If you can master a strong frame… success will be yours. If not… you could always pay for a dinner date, hahahahah. Go out there and take advantage of girls.
Nothing is Forever
     A lot of players get fucked over by relationships… pure and simple, this comes from not understanding the cycle… (everything amazing at first… you get sucked in.. slowly it gets bad). I don’t recommend ever taking relationships seriously but if you do… there’s something you need to know… people get way too attached… way too committed. Over time relationships go bad… the brain chemicals don’t do it anymore… people change… problems arise… the problem is… a lot of people see relationships as a “forever” thing. A smart man once told me something: “Nothing is forever”. That’s exactly how you should approach a relationship. Don’t think of it as something forever… just think of it as a fun time… don’t invest too heavily into it. You lose a part of yourself with every relationship that you miss-manage (by over-investing), it’s like a food product that goes bad. Sure you can refrigerate it… but damn eventually you gotta throw that shit out. Relationships have an expiration date… you gotta know when to walk away. If I could condense game into one concept… this would be it; A combination of 2 things: Being a complete asshole + Plausible deniability. You can’t just be the asshole because then people will think you’re an asshole and that just doesn’t look good… but… you can’t be the unimportant, predictable, nice guy that gets taken advantage of. What you have to do is combine the two concepts… treat women like garbage but do it in a way that reflects high value and not just poor manners.        Some key lines:
“Now’s not a good time… I’ll call you later” (and never call back)
“I’m not in a good mood… (when she asks why>>) buying me a beer might smooth things over”
“Shut-up… this is important” (look away from her)
     This attitude can be seen as legitimate (plausibly deniable) but at the same time makes you think (wow this guy is an asshole). The amount of investment you put into a girl/relationship shouldn’t exceed the amount of investment someone puts into their lunch. Just eat the damn food… throw away the trash and move on… if you’re working hard at it… you’ve already lost. I will end this post with the following thought-provoking question: *cue suspense music*Is the best game actually no game at all?(not doing anything stupid by being needy and talkative and gay…just letting nature run its course… having your way with the girl).
The Hamsters
De·vi·ous: Showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals.
     You cannot always play it straight to get what you want… sometimes you gotta do something crazy. As we all know- girls are always thinking and figuring shit out… its part of their nature. Roissy calls this the infamous “hamster running on a wheel”. When you don’t create mystery… you make it too easy for the hamster… and the girl sees right through you. The Facade is over. She gets bored and starts looking for something better…more interesting… a new high (a new guy). Relationships/marriages are no escape from the puzzle-solving nature of the hamster… this is evident from the breakup/divorce statistics. In a relationship… a girl typically figures out a new guy in about 3-6 months… at some point the guy stops amusing her… the chemicals stop flowing… and the relationship dies like a flame extinguished by a massive wave. This is why you need to slow down the process… you need to fuck with her head a bit… create some drama/tension/suspense/jealousy… these things make a relationship interesting(similar to a movie plot).
Think like a Champion
     Girls these days are completely fucked up… if you play the nice guy that gives her everything she will just label you “tool” and solve that puzzle immediately, If you keep the game interesting… she’s gonna wanna play along… all night long… heh. If you know how to play the game- she could spend years of her life trying to understand you… ideas and thoughts of you would consume her brain… She would always be loving you… working for you…figuring you out… Its up to you if you wanna take it that far… either way… if you want to succeed you’re gonna need to know how to tempt her. Sex is not something you “get” from a girl… sex is something you “give” to a girl if you feel she deserves it. You’re not lucky… she is lucky to be getting your dick… and she should be worried about it/working for it/thinking about it/concerned with it. If you wanna be a champion… you gotta think like a champion… All you have to do is sit there and look good, radiate value, and dangle the bait… she (a girl) will eventually take it… and you can do as you please… you could even refuse her if you so desired. We all want the chemical high that comes with sex – what separates the amateurs from the veterans is the ability to hide desire in such a way that sex is something she starts chasing/asking for… at which point you can just “give in”.
The Waiting Game
     If your value is on the edge (aka – you aren’t blessed with super good looks, tons of money, etc) you better get good at the waiting game. What is the waiting game? Basically this is when you wait a girl out… You don’t send her needy ass texts, you don’t chase her… you just let her do all the work. Sure you flirt a bit, throw her a few words here and there (a feeler text)… but she does the chasing. Girls are programmed to chase after high value guys… she will do it if you don’t suck at game. A lot of times girls will do dumb shit like not answer your text or flake on you. If you’re good at the waiting game you will just hang around and pursue other girls while banging other sluts waiting patiently. Eventually she will work for you if you outplay her. Yeah it sounds dumb… but what are your other options?
Pros vs. Amateurs
Amateur Game Guy (invests needlessly into this “one” girl):
1. Sending a bunch of needy ass texts
2. Calling multiple times
3. Gets put in friend zone (hurt feelings, ego, etc)
Pro Game Guy (doesn’t give a fuck if he never hears from her again- or at least makes it seem that way)
1. Banging other girls in the meantime
2. Hitting the gym… pursuing life dreams..
3. Oh what’s this… some random chick from a month ago? Cool.
Outplaying her at the waiting game is crucial if your value isn’t top notch… do not be the first one to fuck up… because that makes you the chump chasing her. Its okay for her to contact you (at which point you reciprocate a little bit.. give her that little bit to chase) it might take three days, a week, maybe even a month (now you see why having multiple women is important). Hell… I’ve had some girls/exes contact me (tryin to get some) after years of radio silence… eventually they all come crawling back when they realize you’re value is up there… its up to you if that’s cool or not if you’ll take them hoes back. But one thing is for sure… you better get good at the waiting game. Wait out girl A while working girl b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k etc. Don’t just sit around doing nothing… but the same idea applies… in her mind she should wonder “wow… he’s forgotten about me… blah blah blah *stupid hamster shit* etc”. The key is to have many girls in the rotation… you want to avoid committing too much time, effort, thought, etc to just one girl… if you forget everything else in this post… remember this: bitches work for you… you don’t work for them if she is not chasing you– you don’t have hand… which means you don’t have shit. 
The importance of Value
     Unfortunately the game isn’t easy… if your value is not where it needs to be… girls just won’t chase – you got 2 options:
1. Increase your value… make her chase (push/pull – gym – game tricks – etc)
2. Chase her (and lose everything in the process)
The choice is yours… chasing can manifest itself many different ways:
1. She is desperately in love with you… will go to any length to please you… wants to see you
2. Calls you often… texts you often… thinks about you a lot
3. Complies with almost anything you want- You want her to chase… but you don’t wanna be that guy chasing her.
     Basically- make it hard for her… don’t be that guy offering everything (your attention, your money, your value, your love) the minute she smiles at you… those guys are tools… they get used and abused. Make her work ridiculously hard for the smallest thing… if she does something bad just ignore her and take away everything… it sounds ruthless because it is… you literally have to make her earn things… in today’s society… people don’t appreciate things they get easily (and take them for granted). Everyone wants instant gratification with no effort… girls are no exception… you make it easy she will be at my house bent over asking why I’m such a jerk after she texts you and tells you she’s sick doing college homework. If you can’t get her to chase you… you might as well be that guy that’s like “hey baby I love you… please come over” and you think she will go for that? Hell no. This lesson is about taking risks. lets say you want to express your love for a girl (terrible idea), you don’t want to right away just bam let her know… that would be a huge risk “hey baby I love you”, why? Because she might never talk to you again (lol) or worse you might be forever put into the friend zone or the creep zone or the “this guy is never getting laid again zone”. After any colossal fuck up you basically have to wait a long time to get anywhere with that one girl again so it’s a huge waste of time if you wanted her. Now… obviously most players aren’t going to tell girls “I love you” because they know better… but there are still other similar(less obvious) ways to fuck up and drop your value. Such As:
1. Giving her too much attention
2. Too many compliments (or too nice)
3. Working too hard… pushing too hard for something how do you know you’re fucking up? When she starts reacting badly (being difficult, bitchy, etc).
     When something isn’t working smoothly… take a step back and chill… text another girl… grab a beer… So how do you prevent your value from falling like the- stock market? You test the waters by paying attention to the mini reactions all around you (plausibly deniable small things), for example: instead of saying I love you… you yell (You know… I kinda like you) and judge how she reacts. If it’s positive you leave it at that (should be an easy lay)… if negative you could say something like (I’ve had too much to drink… I gotta get back to my friends). Every situation has reactions… let’s say you send her a text message: “hey you around?” and you don’t get one back (she ignores it). You got your answer. Don’t be a retard and send her anymore text messages. The better you get at safely judging her reactions the more you can exploit her and get what you want on the first try.
Ignoring You
     So you’ve called her and left a voicemail (don’t ever leave voicemails btw.. keep the bitch wondering) or maybe you sent her a text-message… and she didn’t respond. What the Fuck you think to yourself… how could this bitch not answer me yo(hopefully you are such a baller that you don’t notice a non-response from a single girl)… 
“How could she possibly ignore me”.
     And this is where a lot of guys go wrong. They think… well maybe if I just keep sending texts/calling/chasing/being a chump I will show her how much of a loser/stalker/creep great guy I am. Do not ever chase, if a girl ever gives you an IOD (indicator of dis-interest) such as ignoring your phone call/text. Hell… even if she turns around and does something rude to you… you punish her ass for it. I don’t mean like get mad and confront her… cus that would make you look super lame and she would just make some excuses like “i lost my phone sorry” or some other lies. You would look even more like a fool when she finally convinces you haha. If you don’t know the girl at all and this happens you aren’t really “punishing” the behavior since she doesn’t care but the concept is the same… you don’t “reward” bad behavior. If she wants to ignore you… you just wait it out. Don’t call or send any more messages… just let everything die out completely… wait a week or two. I guarantee 99% of these girls will cave in once they realize they fucked up you are a real man that won’t bend to their mind games. It’s a pretty rough world out there… but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of situations you completely understand. Game is fucking key… you absolutely have to know how her fucked up mind hamster works if you wanna get ahead and protect yourself from the bullshit.
How to Fix Shit
Okay so shits not goin well… or at least not the way you want it to go… maybe she keeps flaking on you maybe you’re being too nice… too easy… too beta. For whatever reason your results are lacking… and you need a solution… but you’ve tried lots of shit… it didn’t work… These are your options: (this is geared to girls you know on some level-obviously some stuff won’t work with new girls that you JUST met)
Option 1: Create conflict. Yell at her… start a fight (not physical obviously)…ignore her… be mean… basically create unresolved tension. “This could never work wtf” you think to yourself… but it will work. She will not be able to handle it and at some point she will come crawling back to apologize/make it up to you. (This apology is totally fake by the way so take advantage of the make up sex because she will be right back at the bad behavior soon) Also note that this is a form of push pull and will take some time to execute properly (you can’t just be nice right after or it comes off as fake). Be careful with this and doesn’t over-do it or her drama hamster wheel will crave more and more. Girls are sick like this. The great thing about this option is that you get to act and be creative… you don’t even have to be angry at her but its hilarious when you pretend that you’re pissed because she forgot to pick up your food or something like that. It might sound extremely mean but it’s only fair to have fun with women after putting in all the hours to learn about game and seeing firsthand how they manipulate guys 24/7.
Option 2: Spark the jealousy flame. Start paying a lot of attention/spending time with a different girl. Let girl 1 see the pre-selection and make sure to text other girls etc around her if possible. If you live with the girl and don’t know any other girls you could even text one of your guy friends and hide the phone… it will have the same effect.
Option 3: Spend less time around/with/near/rewarding her… if you spend too much time around a girl (live with one etc) she will eventually see you as more and more beta as well as value you less… it will take extreme skill to fight this uphill battle.. it is a lot easier to just not be around her as much (this is why I don’t recommend moving in with a girl) Basically this makes you like a drug… after a while she should get withdrawal from your attention…(advanced push/pull)
Option 4: Be more of a challenge. Stop giving her everything she wants and being so easy. Don’t cling to her and don’t let her get her way. Make her work for every little thing. She will worship you in the end.
Option 5: Increase your value (this means hitting the gym, having other girls flirt with you, good social connections, good job, good outlook on life, etc). This is by far the hardest way to fix problems.
     At some point in every interaction a girl will test you to figure out these things:
1. Your value
2. How much she can manipulate/control you
3. How much you like her (assuming your value makes this worth knowing to her) if she calls you an asshole at some point in the interaction that is actually a good thing believe it or not. You don’t want to be a huge dick right away and open her with something really negative because that would be hard to recover from… but you also don’t want to get bunched up in that nice/too nice/friend zone/loser category. The trick is to straddle the line going back and forth… this keeps things interesting and creates that drama that she so desperately wants to get high on. Being called an asshole is like her telling you “you have high value and I don’t think your behavior is nice but I still want to fuck you so just keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll rationalize it later”. Its actually a form of flirting… very subtle if you understand how this works (she would not call someone she was totally uninterested in an asshole) In fact… being called an asshole or a jerk is a stepping stone you have to cross if you want any kind of long term respect from a girl you are fucking. (She has to know you aren’t another nice guy pushover that will do anything for her) Once you cross it, it basically signifies your value and willingness to walk away (which is huge because it conveys pre-selection.. you can afford to be an asshole because you don’t need to be super nice to get girls because you are high value) the trick is to be slightly nice and interesting at the start but then mix in the asshole side like a smooth blend of really expensive coffee. You can’t be too obvious with these things.
Less is More
Always remember that less is more, read this as many times as needed to perfect your game and to get all the bitches on your dick. Enjoy the Game.